Text only image that reads: Definition of Adult: A person who, by virtue of attaining a certain age, is regarded as being able to manage his or her own affairs.

Welcome to Being an Adult is Hard

Tips, tricks and hacks to make life easier and reduce stress.

Responsibility sucks but sh*t needs to be done and bills have to be paid and the dog puked on the carpet and the kid had another meltdown and we have appointments today and people are hungry and the house needs to be cleaned and the car broke down and the basement is flooding and OMG is it ever going to stop?

Hi, I’m Kim and I know the annoyance and exasperation you feel while struggling to juggle the multiple responsibilities of life. After all, I have over 30 years of experience being a somewhat successful adult.

I hope you make Being an Adult is Hard your first stop for tips, tricks, inspiration, motivation and practical advice to help deal with the stress and overwhelm and make it a little easier for you to get through this thing called life.

Blog Posts

25 REASONS WHY YOUR LIFE IS HARD (and tips to make it better)

I’ve been experiencing some struggles in my life that have made me feel that life is hard. Too hard sometimes. On top of juggling the multiple priorities of adult life, my primary concern at the moment is that my beloved dog may have a tumor. My worry and despair led ...

How to remove rust stains from bathtub, toilet and sink

Did you know there’s an easy way to remove rust stains from a bathtub, toilet or sink? I did some research (because we have well water) and found that most commercial rust removers use citric acid to break down the rust, but they also contain harsh chemicals. Citric acid is ...

22 Best House Cleaning Tools that Make Cleaning Easier

Do you ever wish your house would clean itself? Here's a list of the best house cleaning tools, gadgets and devices that will practically clean your house for you! If you're like me, this cleaning tools list will make your life SO MUCH easier. I’ll let you in on a ...

15 Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed with Life

Shit needs to be done and bills have to be paid and the dog puked on the carpet and the kid had a meltdown and we have appointments today but the car broke down and we need to eat and the house is a disaster and the basement is flooding ...

Stop Procrastinating and Clean Your House

A clean house has never been one of my primary goals. It’s not even in the top 10. I admit it would be nice to live in a spotless house, but who has the time or the motivation to keep it that way? There's just too much housework to do! ...