
Tips, tricks and hacks to make cleaning fast and easy.

Text reads 'how to get motivated to clean when you're overwhelmed by the mess'. Background is a messy bed with clothes hanging from it and lying on the floor

How to get motivated to clean when you’re overwhelmed by the mess

Is your house a disgusting mess? Have you been so busy juggling everything else – or just avoiding it – that you haven’t cleaned in ages? Are you having trouble figuring out how to get motivated to clean when you’re so overwhelmed by all the mess? I’ve been there. And I know how hopeless, exhausting

How to get motivated to clean when you’re overwhelmed by the mess Read More »

Picture of the grinch on a Christmas green backgroundwith text reading Why I hate the holidays and what I do to survive Christmas

Why I HATE the Holidays: The ultimate guide to surviving Christmas

Am I the only one who hates Christmas? I have many reasons to hate Christmas, but the main reason is the blatant consumerism that drives the whole thing. The endless Holiday Season marketing extravaganza begins months before the actual holiday and ramps up everyone’s expectations. And those expectations are practically impossible to meet. It’s not

Why I HATE the Holidays: The ultimate guide to surviving Christmas Read More »

19 mind-blowing uses for Windex (and 6 things you shouldn’t use it for)

If you’ve ever seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding (and you should because it’s hilarious), you know that Gus believes that Windex cures everything that ails you and tells everyone to ‘put Windex on it’. While Windex is extremely caustic and should NEVER be ingested or applied directly to the skin, there are a myriad

19 mind-blowing uses for Windex (and 6 things you shouldn’t use it for) Read More »